Photo by Brandon Zacharias on Unsplash
Now that I’ve been a Case Manager for over a year under the supervision of a Certified Case Manager, my employer has encouraged me to obtain CCM certification, which I am excited and happy to do! Historically, studying, learning, and achieving educationally has been no sweat for me. It hits a little different with 2 Wild thornberry-esque children, a full-time job, trying to maintain a happy, healthy marriage, and give some attention to my attention-hog dog. I got my MSN while having a 5-6 year old and thought this would be the same process, only simplified because it’s just a measly certification. I was MISTAKEN!
CCM certification is expensive, and the official CCM certification prep guide suggests 8 weeks of studying their Glossary of terms, knowledge domains, and a list of resources. I purchased a study guidebook ‘CCM Certification Made Easy’ by Deanna Cooper Gillingham, which comes highly rated. Here’s hoping it carries me through the finish line.
I’ve got the resources, I’ve got the will, but my schedule leaves a little to be desired. I try to study after I put the kids to bed and, without fail, I settle in with my book and best intentions, only to fall asleep within 30 minutes. I thought I’d aim for 3 days in the work week and take an hour on both weekend days. Yesterday, after I completed my domestic duties of cleaning and grocery shopping, I closed the door when Dee went down for a nap. Pencil, pen, study guide, and notepad in hand, I snuggled under a blanket and got ready to absorb knowledge. And promptly conked out. I don’t know if it’s being in my mid 30s, trying to tackle this in the afternoon and evenings, or the subject matter but I can’t seem to stay awake. This worked really well for the hypnobirthing soundtrack I listened to prior to having Dee but I don’t know that it will serve me so well ahead of this exam.
I’ve paid my $440 and scheduled the test so I have to see this through. If anyone has been through this and has any tips, I am ecstatic to hear and hopefully implement them!

Photo by Mykyta KravĨenko on Unsplash
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